Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Advantages About Being Deaf and/or Blind

            When one of your senses is taken away from you all your others become heightened. An advantage about being deaf is that telemarketers will not call you if they know that that person is deaf, or hard of hearing. Noises that usually wake up people in the middle of the night won’t wake a deaf person up. When loud noises outside, like drilling and jack hammering, they don’t have any effect to you at all. Having no effect to loud noises is a good thing but what’s even better is that when not wanting to listen to anyone near you, when someone is deaf they won’t be able to hear that person or if hard- of hearing they could turn down their hearing aids. Sleeping beside someone who is snoring very loudly won’t be disturbing them throughout the night due to the fact they cant here them. A hearing aid can make a person a better listener, considering they have to listen more closely to what someone is saying, but also when being deaf can make you pay more close attention to what their mouths are saying. Another reason being deaf has its advantages is that when being deaf or hard of hearing you actually have to think what to say before you say it, usually this doesn’t get someone in trouble but may make you miss the rest of the conversation. Being deaf does seem to be a hassle but it seems to have some advantages; closer parking stall to a store, being a greater listener, and having people (like friends) treat you with respect.
Becoming blind also heightens your senses, being able to smell or feel an object by evaluating it and making a judgment that way.  Having sight means you are able to see what an object is and go from there, but when someone is blind they have to evaluate to determine what they are experiencing. That determining is unique to the person because everybody may see or feel some things differently. An article said that when someone is blind they have a certain type of confidence in them selves that most people don’t have. They have to trust what they are feeling or smelling, which creates trust within someone. Another advantage would be when going on a date or hanging out with someone you aren’t able to judge that person by their looks but how they talk to you and their personality, sometimes people just look at appearance and judge from there without even viewing their personality. Sighted people judge how everyone looks but when being blind you can think that everyone is beautiful/handsome, you become a better person because you aren’t judging people. Being blind also makes you a better listener because you have to understand what the person is feeling and doing without looking at the facial expressions of them.              
Having a handicap, like being blind or deaf, can have the disadvantages but having this sort of handicap doesn’t have a big negative effect on how you are as a person, it simply makes you a better one.

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